Aled Jones used to run away whenever he heard 'Walking in the Air' because he felt so embarrassed
Aled Jones used to run away whenever he heard 'Walking in the Air'. The 47-year-old singer-and-presenter shot to fame in 1985 when he was just 14 after he was asked by chance to record a version of 'The Snowman' theme and had no idea how big the song would become – or how embarrassing he would find it. He wrote in a guest column for Closer magazine: "'Walking in the Air' came about by chance in 1985. "I went into the studio to record something for a Toys R Us advert and they asked me to sing the song. "The boy who originally sang it in the film, his voice had broken, so I sang the advert version. "Little did I know it would still be played over 30 years later. "When I was at school, I would go bright red every time I heard it – if I was… (more)